About The Book
This book only process problems of a chemical and physicochemical nature are treated and it has been attempted to avoid overlapping into the fields of...
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unit operations and plant design. The first part deals primarily with the applications of general physical chemistry thermophysics thermo chemistry and the first law of thermodynamics. Generalized procedures for estimating vapor pressures critical constants and heats of vaporization have been elaborated. New methods are presented for dealing with equilibrium problems in extraction adsorption dissolution and crystallization. The construction and use of enthalpy-concentration charts have been extended to complex systems. The treatment of material balances has been elaborated to include the effects of recycling by-passing changes of inventory and accumulation of inerts. In the second part the fundamental principles of thermodynamics are presented with particular attention to generalized methods. . the applications of these principles to problems in the compression and expansion of fluids power generation and refrigeration are discussed. However it is not attempted to treat the mechanical or equipment problems of such operations.
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