About The Book
A current classroom concern is how effectively teachers collaborate to link subject matter with language instruction and attention to cultural...
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diversity.The Collaborative Partnerships Between ESL and Classroom Teachers Series aims to respond to the nationwide call to better provide schools with a teaching force equipped with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to effectively teach the diversifying U.S. student population. The series is designed for both ESL teachers and classroom teachers, for both language education specialists and subject matter specialists. It is ideal for use in pre- and in-service teacher education programs.This volume of Collaborative Partnerships between ESL and Classroom Teachers gives emphasis to collaborative partnerships in the middle and high school levels. Editors Faridah Pawan and Ginger Sietman gather expert authors who present us with models of classroom-based and school-based collaborative partnerships from middle and high schools across the United States, building a knowledge base for teachers and educators. Each chapter includes narrative vignettes, prereading questions, a literature review, and a case study that students may analyze and apply to their own settings. This volume presents an anthology of collaborative practices that meaningfully bring together the best of subject matter pedagogy with the core underlying principles of second language learning and teaching. It will serve as a guide and an inspiration to teachers as they plan for collaborative partnerships in which knowledge and expertise are shared and in middle and high schools where English language learners will succeed.
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