“Gustav Kobbé has always been among the pioneers in clearing new paths, and in this volume, he is not afraid to express his opinions freely, even...
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when they clash violently with traditional views and prejudices.” -The Nation “An important work.” -The Publishers’ Circular and Booksellers’ Record “For the general lover of music whose emotions are stirred by it, although he may be unable to either sing or play. The book attempts to explain the emotions in a simple manner; it also gives a history of music and musicians.” -The Bookman “Lovers of music will welcome Gustav Kobbé’s ‘How to Appreciate Music.’ The author of ‘Wagner’s Music-Dramas Analyzed’ divides the present volume into three sections, entitled respectively, ‘How to Appreciate a Pianoforte Recital,’ ‘How to Appreciate an Orchestral Concert,’ and ‘How to Appreciate Vocal Music.’ ‘I can neither play nor sing,’ says the average man in reply to the question, ‘Are you musical?’ ‘But,’ protests the author of this book, ‘if you can read and listen, there is no reason why you should not be more musical – a more genuine lover of music – than many of those whose musicianship lies merely in their fingers or vocal cords. Try!’” -T. P.’s Weekly “The author writes enthusiastically and in general with good knowledge of his subject.” -Truth “Gustav Kobbé, a popular writer and most useful middleman who stands between musical art and the people who really desire knowledge. Mr. Kobbé addresses himself to those who do not know much of music, but who really want to understand. He treats of the history and development of music, kinds and forms, instruments, orchestras, bands, composers, singers, conductors – in short he discusses the whole subject in untechnical and often pleasantly, gossiping style….He criticizes freely, and gives reasons for adverse or commendatory opinions…One can learn much from the chapter devoted to the instruments of the orchestra; in fact, the book is full of valuable information for the average reader and will open new vistas to him in the realm of music.” -The Christian Advocate “By the well-known musical critic…A book frankly addressed to those who do not wholly understand music but want to.” -Publishers Weekly CONTENTS HOW TO APPRECIATE A PIANOFORTE RECITAL I The Pianoforte II Bach’s Service to Music III From Fugue to Sonata IV Dawn of the Romantic Period V Chopin, the Poet of the Pianoforte VI Schumann, the “Intimate” VII Liszt, the Giant among Virtuosos VIII With Paderewski—A Modern Pianist on Tour HOW TO APPRECIATE AN ORCHESTRAL CONCERT IX Development of the Orchestra X Instruments of the Orchestra XI Concerning Symphonies XII Richard Strauss and His Music XIII A Note on Chamber Music HOW TO APPRECIATE VOCAL MUSIC XIV Songs and Song Composers XV Oratorio XVI Opera and Music-Drama
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