“This book is very easy reading and took me back to previous biology courses. The author questions the role of certain parts of the cell. The...
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chapters on food chemistry with emphasis on vitamins and their role in our everyday life were quite illuminating. I believe that Leonard Sonnenschein has given us new insight into the metabolism of plants and animals.†Nathaniel H. Murdock, M. D. Past President of the National Medical Association Associate Professor at the Washington University School of Medicine Board certified in obstetrics-gynecology Description: Everything you learned about metabolism in your first science class is wrong! Every generation has become astounded by the advances in science within their generation. This book will review what is known about cellular metabolism and how it governs your health. You will then be amazed how the absorption of nutrients affects your wellness, your beauty and longevity. You will also find out that most nutritional supplements, most cosmetics and, indeed, most pharmaceuticals are not designed for optimal absorption, therefore you are not getting the necessary nutrition and other products that you expect and need for the best life. You will find out about BOOSTER, which is based on an organic and natural process of the cell that can change your life, and how it's technology can be included in your consumer choice of the nutritional, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products you use. Come explore this fascinating discovery that can help you! *Proceeds from the sale of this book go to support the World Aquarium and its Conservation for the Oceans Foundation In this book, we lay out a detailed analysis of how the cell works and presented a new theory that the cell is not controlled by the nucleus, but rather by the cell wall. We then show the logic of this mechanism for modulation of immunity, nutritional status, transmission from extra cellular status to intercellular delivery, and the data supporting this new theory. When using this mechanistic understanding of this new metabolic pathway for plants and animals, it necessitates the change in most formulations for improved active ingredient action of the products we use for nutrition, cosmetics, animal and plant culture, and health. To improve cellular action, the ionic consistency of the active ingredient(s) need to balance with the intracellular status. Furthermore, if the desired active ingredient for intracellular transmission is larger than the normal size pore of the cell being targeted, then a transitory delivery mechanism needs to be employed. BOOSTER is such a mechanism. Results from independent laboratory trials show that BOOSTER’s delivery methodology can yield ten times the absorption of large molecule products into the cell for metabolic transmission. Additional studies for the past 20 years have shown that GroFish’s ionic assaults to the cell wall can stimulate improved cell states such as immunity, growth, hormonal and energy status. This translates to improved methods of agriculture and aquaculture. Indeed, this methodology can deliver healthier animals, more nutritious food products and be beneficial to the environment. We, as consumers, can participate in this health and sustainability revolution by demanding that the products we eat, use for wellness and cosmetics include BOOSTER and GroFish technology.
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