The global economic downturn marked a critical crossroad for the sales profession. This event dramatically altered the consumer landscape and forever...
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changed the sales model required to successfully navigate it. Today, consumers are more skeptical, price conscious, product savvy and pressure resistant than at any other time in history. They don't want to be "cold called", "up sold", or "hard sold". They don't want to be "trial closed", tie-down closed" or "Columbo closed". They don't want "loss leaders", "red herrings" or "high pressure". These old school tactics have no place in this new consumer landscape. A fresh new "partnership" approach to selling has officially trumped the old "salesmanship" approach of years past. This book represents the transition point of the sales profession by introducing you to the "Gap Analysis Sales Model", a fresh new client-centric approach to selling that puts the client's need above all else. Bridging the SELLING Gap is three books in one: In Part 1 you'll learn how to accelerate your selling success by mastering the first phase of the Gap Analysis Sales Model -- ASSESSMENT. In this part of the book, you will discover exactly what questions to ask to fully uncover the gap between two reference points: 1.Your client's current reality condition, and 2.Your client's desired reality outcome. After all the difference between these two points constitutes the problem to which your product (or service) offering represents the solution. You'll also learn how to identify your prospect's "engagement profile" so that you'll understand what he or she needs to hear, see and know to support a favorable buying decision. In Part 2 you'll learn how to accelerate your success by mastering the second phase of the Gap Analysis Sales Model -- PRESENTATION. In fact, everything you do that opens doors and closes deals comes down to your ability to communicate yourself and your product or service offering in a way that compels your client to take action. In this part of the book you will learn how to tailor your content, structure your message and strengthen your delivery. In Part 3 you'll learn how to accelerate your success by mastering the third phase of the Gap Analysis Sales Model -- NEGOTIATION. It is important to know that there are only three reasons why a transaction will falter once it enters the negotiation phase. In this part of the book you will discover what these three potential deal breakers are, how to recognize them and more importantly, how to respond to them when encountered. As a point of fact, your professional success is a direct reflection of your competence in assessing client needs, presenting product (or service) solutions and negotiating collaborative outcomes. After all, this represents the value you bring to your profession and the more competent you are, the more sales success you'll experience. It's as simple as that! The Gap Analysis Sales Model is helping sales professionals "bridge their success gap" at a global level. Gerald G. Clerx is an internationally respected sales trainer who has accelerated the success of over 80,000 sales professionals from around the world, many of them now earning over 2 million dollars annually. Entire offices have reportedly "doubled their success rate", leaving their competitors in the dust, the moment they began applying the skills and insights taught in his training series. Now for the first time ever, he shares the Gap Analysis Sales Model in this landmark book. READ IT AND TAKE IMMEDIATE CONTROL OF YOUR SALES CAREER!
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