About The Book
Teacher educators and school administrators will find this new volume to be a valuable resource for meeting the complex literacy needs of the burgeoning...
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English language learner (ELL) population. The collection examines three important ELL issues: English reading instruction in an immersion setting, English language development, and cultural issues as they pertain to English learners in and out of the classroom. You'll discover new ways of looking at practice in the context of current English literacy instruction for English learners, suggestions for why we need to examine our current practice, and recommendations for what we can do to change it. Most important, English Learners emphasizes the importance of cultural heritage and celebrates the variety of voices that our English learners represent. The International Reading Association is the world's premier organization of literacy professionals. Our titles promote reading by providing professional development to continuously advance the quality of literacy instruction and research. Research-based, classroom-tested, and peer-reviewed, IRA titles are among the highest quality tools that help literacy professionals do their jobs better. Some of the many areas we publish in include: -Comprehension-Response To Intervention/Struggling Readers-Early Literacy -Adolescent Literacy-Assessment-Literacy Coaching-Research And Policy
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