About The Book
Fingerprint Interpretation and Classification Simplified is directed at the beginning student of the science of fingerprints, giving detailed...
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instructions on how to interpret fingerprint patterns and classify a set of fingerprints using the standard Henry Classification System. Developed over a century ago, the Henry system allows law enforcement to categorize and file fingerprints for easy retrieval and comparison with thousands of others, using a formula derived from the print patterns. Modern technology has expedited the process of searching for prints using various Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (AFIS), but the human eye is still needed to make the final decision regarding positive identification. This is why a thorough knowledge of the interpretation and comparison of fingerprints is needed, and why nationwide entry-level positions for a career in the field of fingerprints require completion of an accredited course, and demonstrated skills in analyzing and classifying fingerprints using the Henry system. Fingerprint Interpretation and Classification Simplified explains this process in a way that is easy for both student and instructor to understand. Historically, the standard text used by instructors of fingerprint classification has been the FBI’s Science of Fingerprints, which is currently out of print. Also, it is very technical, and many have had difficulty understanding it. Fingerprint Interpretation and Classification Simplified was written to give beginning students quick access to the information they need, with an emphasis on preparing students to pass law enforcement employment examinations.
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