About The Book
Your textbook is a comprehensive review of the fascinating area of abnormal psychology, emphasizing the most recent clinical knowledge while describing...
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the types of research methods used in this field. This study guide has been developed to complement your textbook and facilitate your understanding the material that is presented in each chapter. The following study guide follows your text on a chapter by chapter basis. There are several sections that are arranged to help you thoroughly review the material in the text. First, an OVERVIEW briefly summarizes the central purposes of the chapter. This is followed by a CHAPTER OUTLINE which will provide a roadmap of what you will be reading. The chapter LEARNING OBJECTIVES printed in your text are reprinted in this study guide for your convenience. The next section features KEY TERMS AND CONCEPTS that are inportant for you to understand. This is followed by MATCHING, TRUE-FALSE, and MULTIPLE CHOICE sections, which are designed to facilitate intergating yhe information presented in the text. Answers to these sections are found at the end of each study guide chapter. Finally, each lesson ends by posting some QUESTIONS FOR CRITICAL THINKING that are drawn from discussions in the text on important topics. We hope that this study guide will be a valuable resource for you this semester as you review the material presented in your textbook. Reading through the sections carefully and completing all of the exercises should prove to be helpful as you prepare for exams. Good luck in your course!
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