About The Book
This book approaches service management from a multidisciplinary prospective drawing upon research from economics, consumer behavior, marketing,...
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strategy, international management, management science and operational management. It offers in-depth coverage the topics that are usually relevant to service management. Readers cover service concepts, then how to build the system to create customer value and satisfaction with superior quality services followed by operational challenges managers of service organizations face and finally tools and techniques for managing a service operation. services in our society, the nature of services and service encounters, customers: the focus of service management, globalization of services, service strategy and competitiveness, positioning and marketing of services, technology and its impact on services and their management, design and development of services and service delivery systems, human resource development for services, work measurement in services, locating facilities and designing their layout, managing demand and supply, management science tools for scheduling capacity - queuing and simulation, service quality and continuous improvement, service productivity and measurement of performance, management of public and not-for-profit service organizations, forecasting for services, vehicle routing and scheduling, project management, linear and goal programming for service operations management, inventory systems for service operations. middle and top managers of service companies.
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