About The Book
Hello, my name is Cory Orgeron. I am seventeen years old, and I am a senior at Morgan City High School, located in Morgan City, Louisiana. At the...
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beginning of my senior year, my fellow classmates and I were tasked with the ever impeding, daunting challenge of what we call senior project. This book, my book, The Mars Project, was what I chose to commit to for my senior project. Throughout the course, I researched, studied, and used up countless hours writing and preparing this novel for my friends, family, and most importantly, myself. It has been an unbelievable journey from start to finish, and I would like to thank everyone who supported me. The year is 2042. The world is experiencing a vast colonial movement; all countries have their eyes set on the newly settled territory on Mars. The power struggle between the Allies and the Eastern European powers is becoming more and more dangerous every passing day. Tensions are rising, and both sides are preparing for an all-out nuclear war over the valuable property. James Black, a young boy growing up in a poverty-ridden America, has always dreamed of going to Mars and living the luxurious lifestyle that the new colonists are experiencing. However, the day he finally gets the chance, it's not what he expected. Cities are ruined, planes are being shot down, people are being slaughtered, and he is now America's best chance of ending this vital conflict and saving millions.
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