About The Book
Ken Walston is the Executive Director and Founder of the Ken-na Outreach Ministries. Ken-na was established in 1995 and is a worldwide outreach to the...
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Body of Christ for the edification of ALL Believers who profess that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Saviour. The headliner for Ken-na Outreach is "JESUS is Lord and God!" as proclaimed throughout the New Testament of the Holy Bible. Ken-na Outreach is a free Outreach Ministry which the Lord has provided for to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and minister the teaching and testimonies that God has given Ken. Places where the Outreach is working to spread the Gospel of Christ are: United States, New Zealand, South Africa, Ethiopia, England, Spain, Mexico, and Brazil. Ken was a practicing Jew until 1981 when he received a physical revelation which convinced him beyond doubt that Jesus was the Messiah, then a calling from the Lord Himself to go and spread the Good News about the Messiah to both Jew and Gentile. Ken Walston took the challenge from Ephesians 4:11 to be a Teacher (Rabbi) for the edification of the Body of Christ. His writings and revelations from the Lord are published through the Outreach Ministry and sent to the Body of Christ throughout the world. He is also a musician and songwriter, who has turned his classical Rock N Roll and Pop style towards the worship of the Lord with 12 songs which are released on CD through his Music Ministry, The Messiah's Minstrel.
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